1. If the past is a predictor of future performance, then there is about a 99.3% chance that I will stop updating this in 2 weeks. But you have to start somewhere. That being said, there are two reasons I want to start a blog:
    1. I think it would be really awesome if I was able to work as a statistician for a major league baseball team. To get a job like that, I will need to give some sort of reference to baseball statistic-ry that I have done. This gives me such an outlet.
    2. I am pursuing a PhD in statistics. In order to get a PhD, I will have to write a thesis. On the recommendation of this website, a blog is a good way to improve my writing. Quote:
    That's why I recommend that new students start a blog. Even if no one else reads it, start one. You don't even have to write about your research. Practicing the act of writing is all that matters. 
    I found the link above because there was another post on the same website that helped put school in perspective for me that is worth sharing http://matt.might.net/articles/phd-school-in-pictures/.

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